This could be either a DataTables problem or a Laravel one. I just don't know. I am new to them both. I have both working stand alone now I want them to interact. I want to get my data from a Laravel source.
In a nutshell my problems is that I can get to the Laravel routes.php but I don't have the required info to route to my controllers, I can only get the default home page.
In DataTables I have
In Laravel I have
I get the 'bla bla' display so the sAjaxSource is at least right but I have no routing info.
I have tried
sAjaxSource: "",
sAjaxSource: "",
sAjaxSource: "",
but I either get a 404 or else the home page
Can anyone who has done this give me some sample code?
As a note. I had a lot of trouble with Laravel and 404 errors when I first tried Laravel but I got it right so if you tell me it is about .htaccess and mod_rewrite again I won't be suprised but I can find no errors there at present.
I just need to know what parts of my code are OK. I just don't know at present so don't know what to look for. Disappearing up my own fundamental orifice.
In a nutshell my problems is that I can get to the Laravel routes.php but I don't have the required info to route to my controllers, I can only get the default home page.
In DataTables I have
bProcessing: true, bServerSide: true, sAjaxSource: "", "fnServerData": function ( sSource, aoData, fnCallback ) { $.ajax( { "dataType": 'json', "type": "GET", "url": sSource, "data": aoData, "success": fnCallback } ); },
In Laravel I have
echo 'bla bla'; Route::get('/', function() { return View::make('home.index'); }); //Named Route Route::get ('types', array('uses'=>'types@index', 'as'=>'types'));
I get the 'bla bla' display so the sAjaxSource is at least right but I have no routing info.
I have tried
sAjaxSource: "",
sAjaxSource: "",
sAjaxSource: "",
but I either get a 404 or else the home page
Can anyone who has done this give me some sample code?
As a note. I had a lot of trouble with Laravel and 404 errors when I first tried Laravel but I got it right so if you tell me it is about .htaccess and mod_rewrite again I won't be suprised but I can find no errors there at present.
I just need to know what parts of my code are OK. I just don't know at present so don't know what to look for. Disappearing up my own fundamental orifice.