When NOT setting a value when updating a record, I get the following error:
I don't get the error when selecting (checkbox) one or more items.
Please point me in the right direction.
When NOT setting a value when updating a record, I get the following error:
Notice: Undefined index: tblExerciseEquipment in <b>/Users/nathan/Sites/xxx.com/functions/datatables/Editor/Join.php</b> on line <b>474</b>
I don't get the error when selecting (checkbox) one or more items.
Please point me in the right direction.
Join::inst( 'tblExerciseEquipment', 'array' ) ->join( array( 'EID', 'f_EID' ), array( 'EEquipmentID', 'f_EEID' ), 'tblExercisesXEquipment' ) //->set(false) ->field( Field::inst( 'EEquipmentID' )->validator( 'Validate::required' ), Field::inst( 'EquipmentName0' ) )