table debug:
Hello, I noticed that my data table is making two request to my server. I decided to debug it with the tool provided and i noticed I am drawing the table twice. Here is my initialization. Has anyone experience similar issue. I am not using the provided php server to process my data if that helps.
UPDATE:I created an alert inside of my fnDrawCallback and i do get 2 alerts. :(
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hello, I noticed that my data table is making two request to my server. I decided to debug it with the tool provided and i noticed I am drawing the table twice. Here is my initialization. Has anyone experience similar issue. I am not using the provided php server to process my data if that helps.
UPDATE:I created an alert inside of my fnDrawCallback and i do get 2 alerts. :(
function buildTable() { oTable = $('#example').dataTable({ "bJQueryUI": true, //"bStateSave": true, "iDisplayLength": 50, //"bProcessing": true, "bServerSide": true, "bRetrieve": true, "sAjaxSource": "http://dev1.ocp:8888/server", "sPaginationType": "full_numbers", "sDom": 'R<"H"lfr>t<"F"ip<', "bScrollCollapse": false, "bAutoWidth": false, "fnDrawCallback": function(oSettings) { //Checks for Rows, if empty, disables add row. //Empty row set oTable.fnSettings().fnRecordsTotal() if(oTable.fnSettings().aoColumns.length == 1) { $("#btn-row-add").button({disabled: true}); } else { $("#btn-row-add").button({disabled: false}); } }, }); //Sets first column to invisible oTable.fnSetColumnVis(0, false); }
Any help would be greatly appreciated.