When the button is clicked multi-column filtering on the server side
$.fn.dataTableExt.afnFiltering.push( function (oSettings, aData, iDataIndex) { var txtName = document.getElementById('txtName').value; txtName = $.trim(txtName); var colunm1 = $.trim(aData[0]); if...
View ArticleLive events with on() instead of live()?
Hello, I have been wanting to use live events as explained here : http://datatables.net/release-datatables/examples/advanced_init/events_live.html This actually works well, using the live() function....
View ArticleHow to find out what column the user sorted on...
I understand that I can capture the sort event as described here: http://datatables.net/forums/discussion/2976/sort-callback/p1 I am trying to capture this event, find out what the user sorted on and...
View ArticleRetain fixed column width after altering column visibility?
Hello there, I'm trying to achieve something which should be rather simple and straightforward, but I have spent way too much time on it that I've decided to ask here. Namely, I have a table with...
View ArticleSimple CSV Export with jQuery & PHP
Hello, after trying out TableTools (despite hating Flash) which didn't really work for me, I wrote a simple and fast CSV export function in jQuery which I wanted to share here. Hope this may be helpful...
View ArticleUsing DataTable with Microsoft SQL Server Database
Hi, I am interested to use your Framework, but I have some questions. I tried to search but could not find anything about. I would like to connect to a SQL database and fill a table with the result of...
View ArticleDataTables debugger
Hello all, I'm really delighted to be able to announce the availability of the new DataTables debugger. This debugger is a Javascript bookmarklet which, when run on a page containing a DataTable, will...
View ArticleRequested unknown parameter 'Status' from the
Hi, i've got this error when i try to initialize a dataTable: DataTables warning (table id = 'Table_Verifications'): Requested unknown parameter 'Status' from the data source for row 0 I searched in...
View ArticleChange values in the page size dropdown
Hi, Is there some way to set the values in the page size drop down provided with the plugin. I have set the default value using "iDisplayLength" option provided, but is there some way to control the...
View ArticleHow to disable Search?
Hi there! Is it possible to deactivate the search input field? I just need a table with sorting and it should not be searchable. Sorry I didn't found that in the documentation. Best Regards
View ArticleDataTables callbacks and infinite requests
Hi all, I'm experiencing the same problem described in this old discussion: http://datatables.net/forums/discussion/2259/fnserverdata-makes-infinite-http-request-when-we-have-the-callback-function/p1....
View ArticleReturn ALL Distinct Column Values - Server Side
My project is located at: http://www.blackmagicms.com/regex/Vendor/sandbox/datatables/index4.html I'm looking to return all Distinct values from the Vendor column in the database (not just those...
View ArticleDatatables is making two requests to my server [with debug table]
table debug: http://debug.datatables.net/ewuxer Hello, I noticed that my data table is making two request to my server. I decided to debug it with the tool provided and i noticed I am drawing the table...
View ArticleEditor, primary keys, and updates
I have a single table that is being added to or edited, but there is a column that represents a part number only by its primary key (unique identifier.) I can put a select drop-down on the key value...
View ArticleDisable row select event for certain columns
Hi Allan, I have a working DT and have written onClick() functions for quiet a number of columns that - once cells have been clicked - open jQuery modal dialogue windows with further information or...
View ArticleMultiple ajax datatables on one page won't load on Firefox
Hello, I am using datatables 1.9.4 and have multiple datatables on one page using this code: $('#clienttable').dataTable({ "bProcessing": true, "bServerSide": true, "sDom":...
View ArticlePuzzled - when I add TableTools, my existing page stops working
I had a lovely page, with advanced pagination and search - close to 1,000 rows all being sorted/filtered client-side. Then I thought I'd add TableTools to have the export options. I copied the...
View ArticleHow to search match row with fixed column which have themed in FixedColumns???
Hello everybody, I am making project which use FixedColumn. If I use datatable with FixedColumn not themed, It is ok when I search something. But I use datatable with FixedColumn and themed so when I...
View ArticleUsing Datatables with MVC4 and WebAPI
hi - i have been trying for a couple of days (i know!) to wire up a datatable with json returned from an apicontroller without success. was wondering if anyone here has managed to do this. among other...
View ArticleForm in two columns
Hi, I have a long form with 10+ fields. Currently, it scrolls inside the modal. How can I break the form into two columns (label+field|label+field)? Note: I am using Bootstrap. Thanks, Nathan
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