header and footer classes change recently?
I'm upgrading to the 1.9.1 and as a side effect I am seeing that the two divs under the dataTables_wrapper DIV and surrounding the table itself doesn't have anymore the "fg-toolbar ui-toolbar...
View ArticleVery new to JS and Data Tables, are there any complete samples to view?
Being a newb to js, jQuery and Data Tables, I am trying to find examples that have complete code so I can see how things are put together. I love the examples on the site but I do not know how to use...
View ArticleSearch filtering on content
Hi, In a DataTables table I have content of the form "<a href="/Controller/Edit/26">Searchable and visible name</a>" in one column. Is there a way to make only the text within the anchor...
View ArticleGoogle Closure compiler with DataPlugin
I'm trying to integrate jQuery DataPlugin into my project, which uses Google Closure Compiler. While compiling the code, I'm getting following error: WARNING - Property dataTable1 never defined on...
View Articleusing bootstrap tooltip with datatables
Hi, thanks for great script! i added on my own project this. But i also add some hover tooltip on some information. i have a table including "name, model, price, status and some more..." columns. i...
View ArticleDuplicate records appended to DataTables on redrawing while bScrollInfinite...
Duplicate records (the last 10 visible records) appended to DataTables each time when I am redrawing the table using the below code Redrawing Datatables -------------------------- myExample...
View ArticleTableTools - Duplicate records appended to DataTables on print when...
Duplicate records appended to DataTables each time when clicked on print icon of TableTools while "bScrollInfinite" and "bServerSide" is true. If I removed the property "bScrollInfinite" then data...
View ArticleScroll overflow bug in Chrome
Took me a while to catch it, Chrome (Windows 7): 25.0.1364.152 m Datatables: 1.9.4 jQuery: 1.8.3 jQuery-UI: 1.9.2 Set Chrome's Zoom to 90%: http://jsfiddle.net/MfsWX/2/embedded/result/...
View ArticleJQuery UI Tabs and datatables
Lots of topics on here involving ui tabs and datatables, but none that seem to be having the problem I am having. It is quite an odd one, maybe a bit difficult to explain but worth a shot. 2 tabs, each...
View Articleproblem with selector using makeEditable
Hi! I'm trying to edit rows with makeEditable but I have a problem with selects. When I push the submit button, the page show me an empty alert. The update works but I don't understand why show me the...
View ArticleNeed to Create and display DataTable on onchangeevent of the listBox
How can i hook up the datatable to the onchange event of the listbox and how can i make the ajax call on every OnChange event of the ListBox so that i can display new data depending upon the value...
View ArticleHow to reload Table with new Data when bServerSide is true
Hi, I would like to reload the table information with new information which is processed at server side. My code snippet is here, function InitTable() { $(document).ready(function() {...
View ArticleIndividual column filter using "select" not working
Hi Guys, I've been trying to use the individual column filters like on this example http://www.datatables.net/release-datatables/examples/api/multi_filter_select.html But I can't get it to work for...
View Articletabletools no working
i have a problem with tabletools. the icons show correctly but only work print. the table is: listapedido = $('#listapedido').dataTable( { "sDom": 'T<"clear">lfrtip', "oTableTools": { "sSwfPath":...
View ArticleColReorder 1.1.0 Dev and Colvis 1.0.8 Error in IE 8
Dear Allan, I use colReorder with Colvis in my datatable, when i move column to new position everything is fine. but when i click on Show/hide button new position of Colvis doesn't update. i try to use...
View ArticleHeaders not lining up
I am using datatables in an application and I am constantly battling the headers not lining up with the contents. I even have a page where it works on first load but a reload messes it up. There have...
View ArticleInline Edit Data Not Retained After Subsequent Filter or Sort
I have two columns in my table which contain a drop-down for inline editing. When double-clicking on the cell, the drop-down appears, after making a selection and leaving the cell the value in the cell...
View ArticleInline Select Show Current Value on Double-Click?
I'm using a drop-down select with inline editing. Prior to double-clicking the editable cell shows the current value, once I double-click, the select appears but it is defaulting to the first item in...
View ArticleHow to reset fnFilter if you had defined your own?
DataTables is a great jQuery tool -- thanks! I am extending the filtering so that my users can match _all_ the words or _any_ or the words. Basically an AND/OR functionality with the filtering. I have...
View ArticleHow to use Colvis with fnFooterCallback?
Hello to all, I try to use fnFooterCallback in order to calculate the sum of some columns. It is ok and pretty cool! But unfortunalty, my Javascript fails when I want to add the ColVis function on my...
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