Horizontal Scrolling issue with lots of columns (table overflowing, scrolling...
Hi, I seem to have hit a bug with Horizontal Scrolling on a table with ~22 columns. The issue is demonstrated here: http://jsfiddle.net/bPaM7/9/ Notice how the table is overflowing the container and...
View ArticleThemeRoller Layout Not Working
Hello, I have tried using your very basic example of using ThemeRoller for themeing however I cannot seem to get everything to work. I have tried disabling my layout and outputting solely the table and...
View ArticleInstalation error with editor in wamp
Hi, I got datatables to function on my wamp instilation and then tried the editor plug in. I have a clean instal and have updated my config file to match my sql. The page loads all the css files etc....
View ArticleUndefined property 'name' / unexpected T_STRING, expecting...
Hello, I'm trying to deployed on a just generated Editor example of DataTables, but I'm unable to make it work. [1] In my local environment, I'm receiving the following error when I click on New, enter...
View ArticleEmpty Data Source causes "requested unknown parameter"
I have a datatable setup like such: var oTable = $('#documentList').dataTable({ "bPaginate": true, "iDisplayLength": 50, "bFilter": true, "aaSorting": [[ 3, "asc" ]], "sDom": 'tr<"F"ip>',...
View ArticleRequest for enhancement to change font size for TableTools PDF export
I would like to request an enhancement / modification to the TableTools framework to allow me the ability to change the font size and / or font for the PDF export. This should be done via a JavaScript...
View ArticleDataTable fixed height
Hi This pertaining to the pagination feature in datatables If you see the example illustrated at the following link, http://datatables.net/release-datatables/examples/basic_init/alt_pagination.html You...
View ArticleResizing Table Columns
Hello, I am making a User Interface for my app using jquery and jquery ui. I am using datatables, but I miss a feature found in most of the grid plugins to RESIZE the table columns. I did some research...
View ArticleMulti row select & filter
Hi, i start using datatables with tabletools and i think this plugin is awsome. I have one question. If data on datatables are filtered is there a way how to use fnSelectAll to select only rows which...
View ArticlebStateSave for No. of Records dropdown in datatable
I am trying bStateSave for persisting the state and values of the number of records dropdown (sLengthMenu) for my datatables. It does not seem to work, can anybody provide a solution? Thanks, Sudheer
View ArticlePrint header formatting
Hi, Does anybody know how to format the print header? TableToolsInit.sPrintMessage= "Report Header"; Thank you.
View ArticleFixedColumns with Paginate
Hi, I'm in trouble when I go to the last page. Follow the link for example: http://homologacao.integratio.com.br/relatorios/imoveisInseridos/fixed.html I have 2 lines on the first page, and 1 in the...
View ArticleÆøå not showing - again :)
Hi I'm having the same problem as described in this thread: http://datatables.net/forums/discussion/5362/sorting-with-international-characters/p1 I have a table that i made in Generator and i can't...
View ArticleNoob needs help with displaying data from mySQL database
I am pretty experienced with html php css but I am new at Javascript and jquery and have just come across this very useful library. I have a web application that I am currently building that this...
View ArticleAdding server parameters when clicking external button
Right next to my datatables grid, I have a custom search form. When clicking the submit button it will fireup the fnFilter for the datatable. I want to pass some additional parameters only when this...
View ArticleShow Details
Hi, I'm using the latest version of datatables and jquery ui but I've a problem using show details and pagination. Using : $('#example tbody td img').live('click', function () { var nTr =...
View ArticleDeferred rendering with DOM as dataSource
Hello Everyone, Well directly to the point, I am developing a fileListing web application (something like a webFileBrowser). In the server side I am creating an .xml document with all the data that I...
View ArticleDataTables gives error when table is empty
Using Datatables 1.9.4 for a Rails 3.2.6 Application. Datatable is great but there is one slight problem. I had noticed that whenever my table has no data, it will give out the following errors:...
View ArticleWeird count bug under my table
Here's the weird count bug: https://www.dropbox.com/s/iq4fj94vtz65l75/weird.png Here's my code: cooltable.dataTable({ 'sPaginationType': 'full_numbers', 'sScrollY': '225px', 'sScrollX': '100%',...
View ArticleScrollbar positioning concerns
On my table the scrollbars seem to be positioned on top of my contents as opposed to outside my table. Picture: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ay3fknel4vdawtn/weird2.png Is there anyway to force the first...
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