JQuery Datatble is not showing data properly after scrolling the table
I have an application wherein I want to show table as a card list layout i.e. the each record/row would be a separate card and 3 such cards should be displayed in a row.I also want an infinite scroll...
View ArticleFile Upload to image for java controller
Hi, If I want use java controller, what can I do? public IHttpActionResult Staff() { var request = HttpContext.Current.Request; var settings = Properties.Settings.Default; using (var db = new...
View ArticleEmpty table error with Scroller extension
Hello, I would like to report that table with Scroller becomes empty after updating rows (adding, deleting, updating data) and table redrawing. Also appears empty space in the table when resizing....
View Articlecheck width of cells once table is loaded
I'm trying to measure the width of cells in fnDrawCallback . docstable.DataTable().column(3).nodes().each(function (cell, i) { console.log('$cell -----> ',cell); } the above code lets me know that i...
View ArticleHow do I change data in the “draw” data in MySQL ssp before the JSON is created?
Hi! I would like to wrap some data from ssp in the json to include some different html tags around the data. I couldn’t find anything in the forum about this. Would anyone know the answer? Thanns
View ArticleWidth of "dataTable no-footer" (1321px) exceeds the width of its container...
My dataTable has a width of 1321, my container which holds the dataTable has a max-width of 920px. Why does it exceed its width limit, how can I prevent that? Manually overwrite the width has no affect...
View ArticleLoad json data based on datepicker date
I have a json file with columned data per date (over 2500 dates) Name | date 1 | date 2 | date 3 Value | value | value | value Value | value | value | value Value | value | value | value I want to...
View ArticleModify ajax url after editor object has been initialized
Dear all, we have a DT and DT Editor in place. The content of the DT is dynamically updated subject to a selection made in a dropdown box (price list number - itpl_id). We use myTable.ajax.url(ajax_url...
View ArticleLoad header based on json file
The json file is over 800 date records. Each date has to be an individual column with its data. So far, i know that i need to define all columns when using json in order to draw the table. I am new to...
View ArticleIs there a render function to limit characters displayed in a field in table...
I have a table with half a dozen fields to display in table view. One of these is a comments field which could be a few words to a Michener novel. In PHP I can do something like: $text = substr...
View ArticleMDC for Web + Datatables
Hi, will be supported MDC for web instead of MDL as this is outdated and no more updated by Google, since they are focusing on this lib. Thanks
View ArticleInline editing 4.2 appearing as 4.1999998
Using datatable and Editor (in line) to allow a user to enter sample results. Numbers such as 4.2 are being stores correctly in MY MSSQL DB but being displayed with a floating point error (I assume)....
View Articleis there any live example anywhere for select2 usage ?
is there any live example anywhere for select2 usage ?
View Articlepage: 'current' selector-modifier returns too many rows
Hello, in my table i have a drawCallback that calls another function. In this function I use DataTable().rows( { page: 'current' } ).every to do something (doesn't matter). I have pageLength: 10 set,...
View Articleuse two or more tables from database in editor
I use codeigniter to create editor datatables, it was normal for one table, but when i use two tables, there problem in ajax, here is model. public function getNdsar2020($post) { // Build our Editor...
View ArticleExtra column data function calls when using ajax.reload
If using server side mode, and your columns's data is specified with a function, I've found that when you call ajax.reload() on your table, it calls that data function on the old data before calling it...
View Articleasp.net dev/production config file
Is there a way to have two config files? When I publish to dev I want to connect to a different SQL server than when I publish the app to production. or do I just need to go in and edit the connection...
View ArticleRefresh child row when parent row updated
Hello, I have a simple datatables editor going and I'm trying to figure out how I can refresh a child row after updating the parent row's data. I assume I need to somehow either re-call/show the child...
View ArticleDatabase updated but not editor
I think I can explain this on the server side, but essentially, the Datatable isn't updated after an edit...at least not immediately. For instance, lets say the original value is 234, and I change it...
View ArticleSemantic UI and Editor seem to be not a good couple together
I do not know how to give a live example as the Editor is not available via CDN to link to the live editor. However, I am having a problem controlling the inline field width when a cell is edited. The...
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