Responsive + Editor with opt-in for inline editable fields
I'm using a setup similar to this, but instead of using this $('#example').on( 'click', 'tbody td:not(.child)', function (e) { editor.inline( this ); } ); I'm doing this $('#example').on( 'click',...
View ArticleHow can I reload data in datatable after doing any CRUD operation?
Hi, I am developing an eletron app that uses a sqlite database. I use a query to fetch data and populate table data using its results. Whenever I do a CRUD operation I initialize table but despite...
View Articlecomo puedo utilizar el buscador de mi navbar y no el de datatable para...
Tengo en mi navbar un buscador con diseño personalizado, lo que me gustaría es poder utilizarlo y esconder el que trae datatable por defecto, algun ejemplo lo agradeceria.
View ArticleFixedHeader too wide when fixed
Hello, I have the FixedHeader working here on a public test site. When I scroll down, it is a correct fixed header, but the header size is twice as wide as it...
View Articlewhy the $1 and $10 is the same value when executed?
$this->datatables->add_column('view', '<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="edit_record btn btn-info btn-xs" data-kode=$1 data-nama=$10
View ArticleHandle editors upload field exceptions
Hey, I'm using ajax object configuration for upload type of input. Everything works great, I just have an issue where if validation of uploaded image is rejected, server returns status code 422, so...
View ArticleGrid Click event doesn't works after reload
Hello, I have DataTable with external button (Search) to Filter Data, It works Fine with First Time Load / Page Load (refer 1 Time Click.PNG) I need to Filter Table with multiple criteria so added a...
View ArticleClicking on column toggles boolean value
Hello I have a table currently with 5 columns one of which is a boolean value, I was trying to implement a solution where the user clicks on the column and that row column 5 would toggle from True to...
View ArticleEditor not invoked in child table
Hi everyone.. Given below is the link to my page where I have used parent-child system. When I expand the first column i.e. Bill **of any row, the child...
View ArticleDataTables Scroll question.
Is it possible to use the ScrollY effect but set the height depending on how many rows you want to be shown like in pagination?
View ArticleFooterCallback on btn Click
Hello, I am trying to create an attendance register for a local Club that lists attendee's, displays if Members or not, and populate Subs column with appropriate session payment and show total Subs £...
View ArticleAdd button to each row in Server-Side-Datatable
I have a PHP program with a datatable, which works fine. Each row has a button (“Manage”) for CRUD actions which, when clicked, opens up a Bootstrap 4 modal : I changed the program to...
View ArticleFilter Operations on Server
Hi dears I have a problems with filter it can't filter operation like { "mRender": function(data, type, row) { return parseInt(row.salesprice / row.number - row.buyingprice / row.number); } and {...
View ArticleColumn Render not rendering properly.
Hi All, Request your help, when I manually execute the php program the output is as below(PHP Output), the "Output" column is an array , so in my ajax i have the below lines(AJAX Query), it is...
View ArticleHelp with SSP Class multiple table query
Hello, I am very new to datatables and I need help with a query to work with ssp.class.php What would be the equivalent of “SELECT tableA.*, tableB.*, tableC.offer_id, tableC.main_id, tableC.stat,...
View ArticleGet usage count of foreign key
Hi, I have this file called table.ref.php that sets up the editor for my list of references (as in journal articles) in table 'ref' like so: // Alias Editor classes so they are easy to use use...
View ArticleCreating a Datatables from a json files -> blank page
Hi, I'm trying to create a DataTables. For that I have a data.json file that looks like : [ { "Chariot": "ASSET57", "Zone": "STOC2", "Type": "armoire", "Quantité": 5, "sav": "non" }, { "Chariot":...
View ArticleDataTables Not Fully Working Correctly with ASP.NET GridView Paging (only...
I have an ASP.NET GridView with the following setup: 1. Sorting is implemented using ASP.NET GridView's Sorting (OnSorting="gridList_Sorting") 2. Paging is implemented using ASP.NET GridView's Paging...
View ArticleRender Jumpy / table glitchy.
My first datatable. Works ok, but.... I have a datatable populated by a php generated html table so the data is in the DOM for SEO. It builds out the table then jumps down to size, so there is quick...
View ArticleColumn width not working
Hi I have read the other posts in the forum. Did not find solution. <--! Datatables spezific files:--> <link href="~/datatables/dataTables.bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <script...
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