Column Render not rendering properly.
Hi All, Request your help, when I manually execute the php program the output is as below(PHP Output), the "Output" column is an array , so in my ajax i have the below lines(AJAX Query), it is...
View ArticleHow do I pass a parameter to a server script?
Pass the parameter from the JS script according to the documentation like this ( ajax: { url: 'php/staff.php', data: { "user_id": 451 } },...
View ArticleCustom rendered data as stored functions
Hi,i have the same custom computed-rendered data fields in many different datatables and i want to save-store this rendered code as a function in myfunctions.js . How can this be possible?How can i...
View ArticleDoes not longer work with postgrsql for dotnet core : Npgsql 3.x removed...
I am using editor for dotnet core with postgrsql Npgsql 3.x removed support for writing a parameter with an IEnumerable value, use .ToList()/.ToArray() instead
View ArticleDataTable Edior issue with postgrsql
Hi I postgrsql you got catalogs named like public and you can even create you own catalog in postgrsql to navigate to a catalog in postgrsql u need to use . then table name or sp or function. when i...
View Articleissue on map when try to get an array from datatable rows
hi i have an issue when try to get all data-filter in column, i wish return an array [0,1] but i have an object i use this code ( this is here Datables object) let t = this.rows().data().map(x =>...
View ArticleHow to add second footer to print in Tfoot?
Guys, I can't print the second footer in <tfoot> tag? How can I resolve this issue?
View ArticleHow to add a hyperlink to certain cells?
I would like to be able to add a hyperlink to certain cells, but only on some of my DataTables. I am using server side processing. I want to create a hyperlink to a form that I created that would allow...
View ArticleEditor autocomplete return values
Good afternoon (o; As my project already uses autocomplete from jqueryui I give it a go as well with the editor.. But I am stuck what to exactly return from the ajax call. Got this framework I've found...
View Articleadd buttons to multiple tables
I need to only show add/edit/delete buttons depending on the user permissions. I found the following post that seems will do the trick:...
View ArticleHow to get the data of row?
When we click new button it's appearing light box with all the columns. once enter the data when i click create i want to catch all the data with column names ( same thing i need for edit and delete...
View ArticleResponsive layout for datatable in mobile
Hello, I'm trying to adjust the responsive datatable but I can't do it. I'd like to have every row in a different layout when I visit the page with a mobile. I'd like to have a layout like a "form...
View ArticleDatatable similar to .NET datagridview
Hi all, Unusual question. I hope someone can assist. I am trying to decide how best to use Datatables (the Editor specifically) with inline editing. In VB.NET I can create a datagridview. I can add,...
View ArticleDifferent editor select list for each row of a datatable
Is it possible to list different items in a select list for a field in an editor window? If I have a field called "Items", for the first row I only want to allow the user to select any one of "Item 1",...
View ArticleTable not displaying correct answer. What am I doing wrong?
The code for my table is here It runs on my pc but not on the live link, not sure why. What I am trying to do, is collect api data on a loop and look for a...
View ArticleHow to disable a checkbox in Editor?
I've been trying to create a disabled checkbox in Editor but keep failing. I can always click inside the checkbox and change its value no matter which permutations of attributes and options I've tried....
View ArticleOdd behavior of numeric fields > 999
I found a weird issue when I'd click on a DataTables row to edit that row's data in Editor. If a numeric field had a value > 999, it would show in Editor as blanks. I traced it back to how I defined...
View ArticleHyperlink entire row or cell using data-href attribute
I saw the example in the documentation for using a column renderer to make the value in the column a hyperlink. However I wanted to make the entire row or cell a hyperlink, not just the text within it...
View ArticleAny Export Complete Event?
Hi, I have created a custom action under the buttons for exporting either CSV/Excel files. The export takes quite a bit of time so I have added a loading modal to notify the user - however, I am...
View ArticleWorking with Datatable and Blazor Server side
I love working with datatable but I can't use it with server side Blazor, is there anyone who has a really working example? i followed a few posts here but i couldn't get it to work
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