How to programmatically select/deselect a row in DataTables?
The subject says it all. Thanks
View ArticleDrag & Drop Rows
I found a plugin for Drag & Drop Columns. Was wondering if there was anything out there for doing the same things but with Rows? If not, is there an easy way to do this? Thanks!
View Articletabletools print when i use frameset
My page use the frameset. How to amend the tabletools's code to make the div of table filling the all screen not the frame when I click the button of print?
View ArticleMaking a Table Row linkable
Hi - I just joined a new company and I'm currently working with DataTables for a grid solution and it's working fabulously (way more effective than their grid they had before). Truly excellent ! The...
View ArticleColVis gets wrong
hello there .. i messed up i used ColVis and Column Filter add-on but the filtering does not work as it should be. and now i cant make my columns visibe. am i suppose to clear the browser cache? or ......
View ArticlejQuery DataTable - few questions
I have few questions about jQuery DataTables: 1. How can i do that arrow next and arrow previous in pagination will be active all time? 2. I use Ajax, and i pass only 10 results, but all results is...
View Articlerow select in table
var 123; $(function() { 123 = $("#1234").dataTable({ "sScrollY": "209px", "bPaginate": false, "bScrollCollapse": true, "bFilter": false, "bAutoWidth" :true, "bProcessing": true, "sAjaxSource":...
View ArticlePassing rows from the server as JSON objects instead of JSON arrays
Hi, I'd like to know if passing rows from the server as JSON objects instead of JSON arrays is possible. For example: { "sEcho": 1, "iTotalRecords": "1", "iTotalDisplayRecords": "1", "aaData": [ [...
View ArticlejQuery DataTable - select number of result
I use jQuery DataTable and I want call my function when I select number of results from dropdown. How can I do that? DataTable generate code: <div id="displayData_length"...
View Articleaccessing editor.php to add a variable to the WHERE clause
Hi All Ok, I now mastered the WHERE statement in the Datatables server_processing.php I can open a new table, in a new page or new browser window with something like this:...
View ArticleaoData.push (syntax and params) I am confused.
Hello, I am able to open up a .csv "test.csv" in my datatables with no problem. however, I want to be able to pass the location of a file (csv) into the param string to a file that I have uploaded, but...
View ArticleSetting sortable with aoColumnDefs glitched
Is it me, or the issue discussed here has returned (I'm using 1.9.4)?...
View ArticleZero record hidden after creating defaults
After moving my oLanguage to defaults zero record row is missing. When I add oLanguage to dataTable initialization it works fine, but when I move it into $.extend($.fn.dataTable.defaults,{}) this row...
View ArticleTableTools - Show the Info dialog for more time
Thanks for such an wonderful tool. When I click on Print it shows a dialog "Print View. Use the browser...... " My users would like this message to stay for few more seconds before fade. Can you please...
View ArticleGetting row`s id to delete it via its button.
Hi. I am showing a dataTable with a delete button on one of its columns. As I click on it i would like have a confirmation message and afterwards being able to send the row`s id to my action class. I´m...
View ArticleFacing this problem from qite some time
I have used a fixed column data table, where i have fixed first 2 columns of the table. Except these 2 i have 24 more columns which are scrollable. I have implemented this in a Django project and code...
View ArticleNo editor.submit on remove
Hi Strange, but on editor.remove there is no editor.submit generated. Insert working ok, but not remove. There is no js error in console. The code is :...
View ArticleHow can I add DATE_FORMAT on the server side script?
Hi there! I'm am using the Server side (PHP) script to help me load the data faster when the page loads. Much like the example here:...
View ArticleIndividual Column Filter Problem
I have a problem where my global filter functions fine when including an apostrophe in my filter criteria, but my individual column filters return zero results when using an apostrophe. I'm assuming...
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