How can close child rows on change page?
Hi i've a child rows from ajax call. I need to close all child opened when user change page. How can do it? Thank you
View ArticleHow to get the data of row?
When we click new button it's appearing light box with all the columns. once enter the data when i click create i want to catch all the data with column names ( same thing i need for edit and delete...
View ArticleFixedHeaders (v3.1.6): Any reference to original table?
I have some custom header-level elements that have behavior that I would like to maintain on the fixed header. Does anyone know if the created fixed position table has any reference to the dataTable it...
View ArticleColumn width on 3 of 61 columns?
I have a datatable with 61 columns. 3 of these columns have a few lines with so many data, that it gives a very disruptive design for the user. So I want to control the columns width of these 3...
View Articleadd buttons to multiple tables
I need to only show add/edit/delete buttons depending on the user permissions. I found the following post that seems will do the trick:...
View ArticleColumn menù
I'm looking for a functionality like the one shown in this page that is available for another library. Is there any chance to have something similar in DataTables?
View ArticleColumn ordering and sorting not working on reload
I have a table (below) which loads with column 6 being sorted. After a user changes a value in the column and the page reloads, the table is sorted on column 0 and clicking column 6 to sort does...
View ArticleHow to set table width limit & ellipsis with resize?
I am using in my datatables implementation. I built a showcase on As you...
hi i create a datatable using AJAX and i add a column with a icon, that is clickable, this show a form the problem come when i reinitilize the table, then send a error when i click the icon function...
View ArticleDatabase updated but not editor
I think I can explain this on the server side, but essentially, the Datatable isn't updated after an least not immediately. For instance, lets say the original value is 234, and I change it...
View oracle connection
I am trying to connect to an oracle database in my .net project. I am getting an error in the line using (var db = new Database(settings.DbType, settings.DbConnection)) error is: unable to find the...
View Articlesum in footer of datatable using ajax
Hello Sir/Mam, currently, I work in core 2.2. I can display data using ajax here are the code and image <script> $(document).ready(function () { $('#example').DataTable({ "processing":...
View ArticleSearchpane issue with cascade and ajax reload
As mentioned in the Searchpane-feedback thread, there's a performance issue (pretty intense issue in fact), appearing when using cascading panes along with data.ajax.reload() (see here for further...
View ArticleRun PHP script with ajax
Hello, I would like to pass data to a php script with a button. I'm trying this code. I'm new to programming. Not working... I click the button and nothing happens. The Alert (cellData) works....
View ArticleCreate temporary example entries that clear
I was hoping to create 3-5 example entries in a table to help the user figure out what they should be doing. I want this data to clear when the user adds their first actual bit of data. Any thoughts on...
View ArticleImport contacts
I am working on an application that users work through their data an then it exports in the proper format to input into a different system. I am playing with the idea of letting users import a csv, but...
View ArticleHow to change position of buttons?
I have some custom buttons. Like Add New, PDF, CSV etc. I want these button in different positions. I have no problem to create button. But how can I give them position like the above image?
View ArticleDatatables not work
On page load ,i send a ajax request and get a table from the server.I receive the ajax request in php and get the data from the database and embet it with table and send the response by using echo...
View ArticleEditor - HAVING clause with calculated column
Using Editor - I have a calculated column (calculates distance from the current position using the Haversine formula): Field::inst( '( 3959 * acos( cos( radians(:Latitude) ) * cos( radians( )...
View ArticleTable interval reload function doesn't preserve current page
Good day (o; Using now the interval reload function for a table which displays the last visited products on our online shop.. setInterval( function () { table.ajax.reload(); }, 5000 ); Is there a way...
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