Editor not invoked in child table
Hi everyone.. Given below is the link to my page where I have used parent-child system. https://e-reporting.in/Data/HTC_Bill/index1.php When I expand the first column i.e. Bill **of any row, the child...
View ArticleHeader row is not printing using print button ?
Hi I am using print button with header row column search. my code is working good but header row not going in print it is not going in pdf too. This is the example jsfiddle link here is my js code (...
View Articlea question on styling a table
my test case is http://montaj.vianor-konakovo.ru/goods1.html I had a table with gray mesh borders and I wanted black borders. In the table that was when clicking on the column heading, the font was...
View ArticleEditor - How to upload files in specific folder with custom validation action
Hello, I would like to use Editor and the upload functionnality in order to create a simple gallery. So, for my example, I have 2 tables. The first one named gallery to store galleries with 3 columns:...
View ArticleHelp!!!
When I log in to my WP site as Admin no problem to show the data from DataTable, but if I log in as Subscriber nothing works. I only get this messages: DataTables warning: table id=table_1 - Invalid...
View ArticleSet the scroll position when datatables are created
I use drawCallback to set the scroll position of the child table. "drawCallback": function (settings){ $('div.dataTables_scrollBody').scrollTop(TOP); }, But it doesn't work. Can you look at my code? I...
View ArticleBuilding dynamic Table (Left to right instead of normal top to down)
Hello, I want to build a table like the one in the picture below using this JSON Object My research took me to this which shows me how to build dynamic tables and get nested items which is great but I...
View ArticleColumn width on 3 of 61 columns?
I have a datatable with 61 columns. 3 of these columns have a few lines with so many data, that it gives a very disruptive design for the user. So I want to control the columns width of these 3...
View ArticleIS there a trick to getting the vertical columns to work in Firefox?
I am using Firefox 72.0.2 and even the example for vertical columns does not render correctly, they are still left on top of the Datatable.
View ArticleLeftJoin Error from value which shouldn't be accessed
Hi, I'm having a hard time to get LeftJoins running with the editor. I have two tables which should be displayed together (all values). Model_Shop.cs is the main table and some values from...
View ArticleGetting Value of a Column/Cell from SelectTable
Greetings! My question is probably easily answered however I am relatively working in MVC as a student and have this issue so forgive me if this is a silly question - I am trying to get the value of a...
View ArticleCan an editor field of type "Checkbox" have a string value?
I'm receiving an error when submitting the following field in editor. Is my approach of assigning a string value to a checkbox incorrect? "label": "user_type", "name": "accounts.user_type", type:...
View Articlehow two create child table in separate enviroment
hi dear I want to create base table that have some rows I want to create child table when I click on row on base table open a table as child blew a base table I want to accesses to edit table in both...
View ArticlecolumnText renders text, not html, when using colReorder and colVis and...
Demo: https://jsfiddle.net/friek2k/fjwjfuxL/ In this demo, on first load, columnText appropriately renders the supplied html as html. However, if you try re-ordering the columns, then opening the...
View Articleusing Editor version, question about simple inline editing example
Hello all, so I've been playing around with creating basic apps. I can use DataTables to view my tables in an app, it displays and scrolls fine, but I want to add inline editing so I can edit or add...
View ArticleHow to export only visible records.
I am using DataTables-1.10.20, where I apply a search filter, so that only a set of records is visible. The question is how can I export only these visible records to excel and not all the records in...
View ArticleSearch name with apostrophe inside mysql datatable.
Hi, i'm using datatable plugin and works well except when i try to search records that contains apostrophs. The problem is that the $requestData['search']['value']) doesn't pass the apostroph from the...
View ArticleEditor Inline, input sent empty even he has value in first on edit
Editor Inline, input sent empty even he has value before edit this wired because i have the same table but with diffrent parmas in other view that working fine with editor inline in this view when i...
View ArticleJson format - sAjaxDataProp
Can you help me. <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/twitter-bootstrap/4.1.3/css/bootstrap.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"...
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